3-29-21 Star Grandmothers
Its a mind game.
Shields of shungite, onyx, obsidian, hematite
Create a Crystaline Matrix
Please remember we all come from a different perspective, a different point of view. This AI that you speak of is 3D and multi dimensional and does not resonate with the frequency of the heart. This is all mind, control, assimilation into a collective consciousness, lower astral, base but has connection to higher dimensional technology as well. This world is not our world. We exist on the outer periphery of this energy. We are not affected because we are higher dimensional beings and as you say “ rise above it”.
Remember the information comes through the channel- the person receiving the message- through their energy, their frequency and their belief system. What you utilize for Ceremony, whatever that may be, tools: Crystals, talismans, jewelry, visualization, will be amplified by your intention. You work with grids, so create a grid, your work with bubbles so create a bubble, a shield, a protective space around you but don’t go into duality, a lower frequency of separation- us against them mentality -even though that might be what you are feeling from time to time.
There are so many around you that have the knowledge and the expertise in this area. They have freed countless planetary systems of this energy. As you know you are a free will planet. There must be free will in all that you do and all that is done to you. Free Will, choice to accept the consequences so to speak.
No one is being forced to take this shot- all who are getting it believe it is their salvation from an illness, and isolation. Yes it is deception- deep dark deception but they don’t see this, they see this a freedom- a way to go “ back to normal “ . You know there is no “ normal” and it saddens you to see this happening but YOU must also honor their free will. So many tried to warn them, to show them the truth behind the veil of illusion but they still refused to listen. Yes the programming goes deep and it has been very effective.
You woke up, you listened to the Grandmothers, the Spirit world, the awakened ones who shared so much with you and all those years ago. You chose your path of awakening. You walked in with a higher frequency to continue the healing journey. You have a body that can handle the higher frequency energy you allow to flow through you when you are in a healing session or Ceremony. It has taken time and dedication to Spirit to do so. Many of you are doing this, holding the light, the love and grounding it back on Earth.
We could not tell you everything, some of this you needed to see, feel and experience because you never would have believed us. It is too incredible, sinister, dark and deceptive to believe. You want to believe all is good in this world and that is true in the world you dwell in- in the higher dimensions of love- but know that there is also very dark and sinister energy. It has been hiding in the caves and dark corners, darkness on this beautiful Planet.
We never set intention for it to live here, be here but it is here. There is divine intervention on your behalf, for the people of Earth and the Children of the Stars- to assist you on levels you have not yet reached. Please understand that this is a multi dimensional battle- we do not like that word- we come from a place of love- but indeed there is a conflict on so many levels.Interventions are happening every day to assist you in being liberated from the energies that intended to enslave you eternally.
Please do not try to find all the answers yourself. You have agreed to hold the light- to assist the Earth Mother in holding the higher frequency energy- hold the light, the love. Do not go into areas that are not your concern or not part of your agreement at this time. This will distract and weaken your energy. Stay in your area of expertise.
You know the medicines, the plant Spirit energy for healing and protection, the songs, the Spirits to call on to assist. Stay in that area, that realm of consciousness. Do not fear the frequency around you and do not let it bother or affect you. If it does, if your energy shifts or changes then you know you need to do more to shield from it. This will take trial and some error to find the perfect balance.
You have been working on ideas, necklaces, talismans, to create an energy, frequency to wear and make you feel comfortable in the unstable energy. Remember you have access to so much: symbols, stones, numbers, words,intention, color and just experiment with them. FEEL how it feels- does it shift your energy in a positive way? Create your regalia- what you wear on a daily basis- what you wear in Ceremony- utilize all of the tools and create what works for you.
Yes this is an attempt to alter the Children of the Stars, to turn off the light of Creator and disconnect the connection from head to heart, but it has never been successful.
Do you think that Creator in his/her infinite love of Creation would allow such a thing to happen? Damage is done but it is not eternal. Lessons must be learned and there will be a life review and Soul lessons to understand the situation. Healing will take place on the other side as it always does to renew the Soul and allow it to continue with its journey and path.
They will be taken to another density- another place to continue the lesson and eventually heal. It will NOT be the density of the New Earth. So a separation- bifurcation if you will. Free will and choice always- you will be creating a new life in New Earth evolving in the New Earth. Under the guidance of Divine Mother- New Planetary Logos.
Divine compliments not ready to merge- learning to walk in balance. Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine. Ascension is the merge of the 2. This will be the time to walk in balance- harmonize the energy, frequency- balance- circle of energy between the 2 like in Celestine Prophecy.
Do what you are guided to do, on the level you are guided to assist. There will be much change and you may feel sadness and frustration and sometimes feel that you have not been effective but you are wrong. You all have so much love and compassion for your friends and family. You continue to try and wake them up, to help them see the reality of their actions but you cannot force it. At some point you must walk away and get back to the work at hand.
We say again do not be distracted by the 3 D drama going on around you. Use your intuition and discernment and the tools you have been given to navigate through this time. Check in , read your energy, adjust it as needed. Hold the highest frequency you can and use the tools at hand to keep it high. Yes you are being tested every moment of every day and that is good, keeps you on your toes. Do not feed the fear, have compassion but do not get entangled in the energy of drama.
Work with the tools you have been given, experiment, feel the energy and create for yourself and others what will help you hold the LOVE. Create the regalia, the Sacred clothing and jewelry to protect and amplify your energy. We are here to assist. We are always with you and always watching over you.
There will come a time when many will seek answers and understanding. You will assist as you have seen in dreams and visions.
The three step process ( Earth Star, Land and Travel) to assist the Earth Mother and the Children of the Stars to reclaim their rightful place in the Cosmos.
Everything you have learned, all the people you met, the Ceremonies and the songs, Canupa, Inipi, all has its purpose at this time.
Work with Free Will, Innocence Truth and Family and Symmetry ( the Trinity). work with other symbols and see what works. Stay with what you know 11:11 and 12:12. That is your area
Grids- grounding- shielding from EMF
Elements- Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Numbers- Grabavoi
Crystals- call in the Crystal Divas to assist
Activate- All is energy- use the tools at hand- glass is earth and fire- beads
How does it feel ?
Crystal Dome- Healing and regeneration until other modalities are here.
be careful of the us against them mentality- stay in Unity Consciousness
Shields-like of old ( native and tribal )
grid your property
flag- banner- wall hanging- art
wear- clothing, jewelry
put in your car
Anastasia – Place of Kin 2 acres- create your space of love
Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice
4 days of Sun Dance
4 Seasons of the Year
Summer- Fall – Winter- Spring- look for notes on Sundance last summer- what happened on those days?
Magentas book/ Patricias book – Antidote and AI
Black box technology/Black Cube
Keys of Enoch