December 6,2021 5:33 AM
Dear Children Of Earth
We come to you today with so much joy, so much Love, and so much respect for all you have done and continue to do for your Mother Earth. She is now able to be free from the shackles that bound her and held her down for so long.
The call went out and you heard it. You came back once again to assist on what ever level you are able to assist. She is happy that you agreed to be here at this time with her. You have had many lifetimes on other planets but you always had a special place in your heart for this Earth Star.
You, being part of Creator, have many aspects to your being. 144 to be exact. The 144 aspects of your Soul transition through, each time you incarnate, Life time after Life time. It is your choice what lesson or lessons you want to learn. Your Soul Ascends as you move through each aspect. Your Soul aspects are also available to you during each lifetime to assist you. You can call in an aspect to braid in and support a task, when extra knowledge is needed or a specific skill set is required.
During each Incarnation you move through time or no time. That concept is confusing to you, especially here on Earth where you have been in a lower density time ruled incarnation. The timeline you walk on is shifting and changing as you shift. Your 3D body ages with this lower density time but your Soul remains ageless.
I know you have many questions and want to know “ The Truth” That truth will depend on what frequency you decide to be in. The higher frequency you hold, the less you will be tied to a time, an age, a density and the more understanding you will have about your incarnation.
It is time to focus, focus away from the Drama. Soon you will understand that it it less about waking people up and more about holding an example that others can see, accept, follow or emulate. You have been an outsider for so long that you are almost uncomfortable showing people the “ Real You”. Soon you will see how easy it is to be whoever you want to be. Let go of the judgment placed on you, let go of the need to “ fit in”. You are the teacher, the way shower, the Master of Time and Space.
Dear Children of Earth you are once again free to be the Real You. The Original you, the Universal You, that you have always been. Release your mind from the blocks, the fear, the doubt that has held you back. Dream Big- Dream in the life that you have always wanted to live- free, unencumbered and always connected to Nature.
Do not worry about the others who do not want to wake up or those who are so consumed by the Greed and the need to have more, own more. Let them do what they want to do and just walk away. Love them as they are and give them space, allow them the opportunity to wake up and for Soul growth. You cannot force an awakening- see your role as Older Brother or Older Sister, the one with eyes wide open. With Hearts open, loving them but knowing their journey is their own.
It is time now to create the Space to share with others, to create Community. Even if it is just the Community of one or two to start, it will grow. Your combined light will shine brightly and expand out and be visible to others.
This Fall/Winter is a time for introspection- look back on your life so far and see what you have learned. You have the opportunity to see your life with open eyes. You are no longer hurtling through life in a haphazard way. You are able to pick and choose what you want to do and how you want to do it. Lighten the load a bit physically and emotionally.
Co- Create a life you are proud to be part of. Dance in and out of dimensions. Put a toe or a foot in when needed. More now when you still need to assist in creating safety and protection for the younger generations. The children still need your guidance and protection. Discern the energy and figure out the best way to approach every situation.
You each have a role to play. Keep your frequency high and keep your emotions out of it. You do not need to allow others to push your buttons to trigger you into anger or other emotional states. You are strong enough to see the effects others have on you. See this time as a time to Co-Create your new life. How would you live? Where would you live? What would you do differently?
Keep track of where your thoughts are going- keep them in check. Hold the frequency high- do not lower your frequency for any reason. Testing Testing one two three…..
You are the Older Brother, Older Sister, Wise One who people will come to for advice, for comfort, for a better understanding of what is going on…New Time, New Energy, New Beginning Indeed.
Pay attention to the dreams, the messages, the numbers, the synchronicity- all the ways we are trying to get your attention. Spend less time in the programmed world, less time watching and more time doing. Be creative: Art, writing, connecting to nature and the Spiritual Realms. See every moment, every day as a Ceremony of Life. Create for the joy of creating. Put Love and positive energy into everything you do. Flip the negative to a positive.
Dear Children of Earth this is YOUR time to shine. If one door is closed then open another. Create, share. Allow life to unfold- and it will in ways that you cannot imagine. Learn new things. Take time to listen to Nature, to the world around you. Share your experiences with others- combine your talents. Connect on a higher level when you can. Share, learn from each other and support each other. I know sometimes it feels contrived but its not. All these words: words to trigger a continual awakening, a re-connection to the Higher Dimensions. An opportunity to create a life you would be happy to live. Stand in your power,your integrity- a space of LOVE. Hold the door open for others, share the wisdom you have learned and allow those that resonate with the words to learn from your experiences. Be impeccable with your words. Be the way shower, the light bringer. Re tune your energy, your frequency. How can you be in Service for Humanity?
There will be many levels of awakening. You do not need to reach all- just those who resonate with your energy, your frequency.
Posted on FB from Grandma Chandra Today: 12-17-21
“From December 12 to 21, 2021, you are in a DNA Activation Stargate. This is the activation of the remaining 12 strands of your 144, third dimensional DNA in preparation for your move into the New Gaia, New Era, New Life. The old Era will be completed on December 21st, the Winter Solstice as you move into a new time.Each of you can ask for and receive a cloak to join forces and become New Pilgrims for the New Gaia. Those who are ready to go, will be equipped with this cloak which is energetically connected to Gaia. The cloak is like a 3rd dimensional grounding rod which is used for electric devices. It delivers to Gaia everything you don’t need, for example static electricity. This can be released through the outer side of the cloak. At the same time, from the inner side of the cloak, you can receive all of Gaia’s energies that you need for creation. It is a double-sided direction flow.You are climbing up very fast now into multidimensionality. All of you during this DNA Activation are in a place in a chamber, where you are receiving healing on a daily basis until December 21, 2021.Rejoice! This completes the activation of your 144 strand DNA template. “