Thursday 12-09-21 8:08 AM
So many questions- Fear, Doubt- Mind- Mental
Humans want to know it all before it happens.
Lack of trust- understand that given what your existence has been like-rats in a cage- treated like chattel – not appreciated for your gifts and abilities
Have faith Children of Earth.
We watch over you, we are working for you, and others to be free and Sovereign.
Freedom is the utmost goal- but it is on so many levels.
Freedom of the Mind, The Soul, The Body.
Healing the past and trusting in the future.
All these messages from the Grandmothers and Spiritual advisors has been positive- and you still have work to do. Your future is not an easy thing to imagine because you have never been here (at this juncture) before. We have said before that we never wanted your lives to be this way. We created Earth to be Heaven- Heaven on Earth- Garden of Eden- Green Jewel of the Cosmos. A resting place- a Holy place to come and recharge the batteries of weary travelers.
It has been a long time in the making and now remaking. Creation is not perfection because there are so many aspects of Creation. So many pieces of the puzzle to put together and so many people who need to find Unity. There will not be a set date or time for things to change. It is always (can’t read word) and subject to change. You have been lied to all of your lives and now we must build trust once more. You understand the energy, the frequency that one must achieve to be able to communicate with the Higher Dimensional Beings. It is not a test- its a discipline- to maintain an energy- balance and harmonic state to be able to blend the energy. This is where we are at this time.
We are asking you, Children of Earth to work on your body, your energy, to be able to achieve a higher State of Consciousness. No fear, no doubt. Holding the frequency of LOVE so we may communicate with you. The frequency of the Planet- Mother Earth as you call her, also has to rise- to be able to sustain the balance- the Harmony once more.
Slowly healing, removing the energy of the lower Densities- healing your elements- your air, your water, your Earth. Fires of Transmutation to burn away the lower density energy. You will not be able to sustain an immediate change- it has to be gradual. We would want you all to transform and transition into the Higher frequencies but some of you simply do not want to wake up.
This time is the lifting of the veil but it cannot be lifted all at once- the truth is painful and frightening to many. You have had a quarter decade to see the truth and even then you did not want to believe that darkness and dark hearted energy existed. Be patient with those that are sleeping- many will simply choose to go home at this time. Send them home with Love and appreciation for their service, their purpose, their time here.
Others are slowly realizing that they have been living a lie- that they must now process that and find their own truth, their own belief system. They will be like children learning to walk. There will be many lessons to learn and many new opportunities for Spiritual Growth.
The Ground Crew as you say are already awake but again are at different levels of awakening. Still on the path of Spiritual Growth and understanding the bigger picture. You are still trying to figure out the bits and pieces- trying to put the puzzle together but there are many pieces missing- missing because they are not yet manifested- so much to manifest and that is for you to do.
You would be angry if someone came along and finished a project you had been working on for a long time. – You would resent and feel robbed of the opportunity to complete the project.
That is how it is for you on Earth. We can assist in removing the beings and energies that were placed here without your consent. Those that were against Universal Law placed you in servitude and subjugation.
You will have a clean slate- an opportunity to create your version of Heaven on Earth. There are many who have already started creating the forests and the farms and places for food and sustenance. They are cleaning up the rivers and water and learning what is needed to clean up the oceans.
Tune into the Ground Crew. The ones like you that came here to assist in the Rebirth of the Planet. You all have a different role to take on. Some are messengers and teachers- the bridge between the worlds until people can heal on their own. You all have an important role to play in your future. It is time once again for the Divine Feminine to step forward. To reclaim a space of power and to balance the masculine and the feminine. To once again walk in balance, in harmony- not a struggle to be in power. Harmony, balance, unification of Humanity, working for the greater good.
You will soon be Galactic Citizens- free to communicate, to learn, to explore, to be part of your Galactic Heritage. We ask you to be patient, to step out of fear and to open your mind to the wonders before you. So much is out there for you to experience. There is so much to share here, the Planet, the people, and you will have help.
Your role is to be a conduit, a bridge between the worlds, to translate our words into a form others can understand. To Teach the Protocol, the Discipline, Respect, a way to live in Harmony. To reach thee Higher Dimensions so we may communicate.
What role do the Children of Earth want to play? Take some time, look inside and see what you want to do, choose to do as a member of the Ground Crew. There will be many roles available and you ( men and women) will be switching roles as you desire to learn. It is no longer a “man’s job” or “ Women’s work “ it is finding joy in all that you do. You work together in Harmony- strive to attain and hold the higher frequencies when creating food, working with animals and with all things.
The children will help you remember because they only recently came here. Those of you who have been here a long time may have more difficulty letting go of all the lies and untruths you believe. It is a time of Discernment, filtering out the lies and returning to truth, to live in Harmony.
As we have said before, things will get easier. The blocks, the grids that kept you captive have been removed, the door is open- you must now realize that freedom is at hand. That may be harder for some to understand for they did not know they were in servitude. They thought they were free.
Remember your Star Trek movie “ First Contact “ when the woman goes aboard the Enterprise and starts to see the difference in how they live. No more money, no more jobs, working for the greater good of Humanity. That is hard for many to understand- those who have suffered all their lives to gain a little ground. There will be no more struggle, but changing a mind, a belief, a custom will take time.
Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, an opportunity for new growth and positive change. Be open, attentive. We will continue to communicate with you to share and support you on your journey. You will see our Rainbow Cloud ships in all sizes. You will soon see all the ships- the Mother Ships, they will be more visible to more people in time. We do not want to create fear. We will read the energy at hand and only appear when the energy is right for us to do so. We will continue to come into Sessions, Ceremony, when we are called or invited. Free Will- Respect. We must have respect for your journey.
Yes we have been together before. We have forgotten the wars, battles too between the light and the dark to hold the light, the Love. Our days of battle are over in that way. Now we come together to heal, to rebuild, to recreate Heaven on Earth and the Planets. You are all indeed Universal Beings, your potential is only limited by your personal beliefs. Open your mind, open your Heart, Dream in a beautiful future. We are only a thought away- a song, a prayer, an intention.
We watch with pride, with love, with hope for your beautiful future. Together with your Mother, Sister, Earth as we all ascend together into the higher dimensions. Be patient, be true to yourself and others. We leave you with Love, Respect, Honor you as our Family of Light. In Service to Humanity, Universal Human. Soon to be Galactic Citizen – family always