4-1-21 Message from 17
Sang the Protection song- thinking about who I want to talk to and instead of 11 I hear 17- Do I want to talk to 17? Who is 17? Earth Future, present? Star? It is April Fools but I will take a risk and see what happens…..17 is Collective Consciousness always part of a group or council not one person or being “ in charge “
Surprise, you thought it would be 11 but it is 17 yes 17- you saw the video and 17 is the code name- number so that information is not taken down. So much opposition to the truth at this time. When opposition is that strong we must understand that there is information they do not want you to receive. You all were such good sleepers, dreaming away your lives without question and then you started to awaken to the truth. That became a crack in the matrix, a crumbling of the illusion they created so long ago. There is a shift of ages, a shift to a new energy, new logos and new everything. We are doing all we can to help awaken you all to the truth. As you awaken in greater numbers the momentum gets stronger and the ending of the old paradigm is more certain. You all chose to be here, to awaken out of the dream, the illusion, but you never imagined how difficult it would be and how hard it would be to awaken your fellow sleepers.
The game is indeed 5 D chess, perhaps even a higher dimensional game, many levels and many choices. All sides are covered, there is an answer for every question, a logical answer but is it? Dig deeper and you will see that it sounds logical but is based on nothing. Anyone can make a video with pretty pictures and information, you have to choose to believe it or not. The opposition has placed those on your path, ones who you love, feel compassion for , that hold the opposite point of view and will fiercely protect their truth and do their best to make you believe it. You are in a world of illusion yes like your philosophy class, both can be true, if you can prove it or prove your point,people will believe it. A total mind F if you will.
Who am I? I come from the Stars as you do. I am a multi dimensional being as you are. I cross the sands of time and walk many timelines- play the game- see the many levels of reality presented and like you want to awaken as many people from the dream as possible. I am part of the Collective consciousness- code- multiple dimensions, time- illusion- reality- truth-deception. Hard to wrap your mind around it all. Don’t seek one answer, one truth, truth is based on perception and your perception changes on a dime, in a moment. Look back and see your truth 25 years ago when you first woke up to the “ truth” . Back then this was all still so compartmentalized that few really knew the truth. They just had a feeling that something was off, not quite right and it was much easier to shut down the narrative or disappear the person- the whistleblower if you will. It is harder now to shut them down. Social Media has made the whistleblowers and truth seekers into celebrities, well known and famous and its not so easy to disappear them now.
Beware the false narrative. Sounds too good to be true and has a little bit of the truth, enough to make it believable- false smile-smirk-knows just a little bit more but does not site sources- too good to be true indeed. You are not in a happily ever after part of the game. You are in the rough and tumble, which end is up, mind F reality at this point. WTF is the word of the day. Roller coaster ride up and down laughing and screaming all at once.
Breaking down the system- all of the system- piece by piece- takes finesse. You cannot rebuild on a foundation of total destruction. There is not perfect way to do this. This is simply a plan, like you have for your future, plan in place, not all the details, but a vision for the future. Building blocks, placement of the building blocks in the right place, right energy and then an attempt to implement them. So much has to be put in place to make it work . Yes Terraform a new reality. Let the old fall away and the new be reborn.
As you know birth is difficult, painful, messy and beautiful. You are in the birth canal, all is in place, and birth is imminent. We want peace, we want calm, we want a pleasant birth but that depends on all of you. So much mind control, programming. Fiercely holding on to the “ truth”, a truth, any truth, because the understanding that everything is a lie is too much to bear.
The future depends on your perspective, your perception, your understanding of reality, your belief, your ability to see a vision and hold the dream together. You talked about controlling the mind- controlling your thoughts – flying a star ship- focus, grounding, centering, that is hard. It takes time and discipline,holding that thought no matter what is happening around you- no distraction.
Start small, hold the vision,the dream and work your way out from there. Create in your home, community, you do not have the ability at this point to change the world but you can change what happens in your home, your community, its a great place to start.
Yes collective consciousness, yes multi dimensional, yes starry origin, as you all are yes yes yes. The crumbs we leave are like the crumbs you have been receiving. crumbs, rabbit holes, truth, from your point of view, code, translation, transmission, not future, no time, star family giving clues to help you see the truth. Soul structure, Soul family- all from the same point of existence. Yet another point of view but assistance to help you- game is not over- so much to do, this is not over by any means. but the battle is ending- the end of the dark and time for Light to return to the Planet. Perspective, perception, keep it simple- stay in the flow of reality- your reality.
You are walking between the worlds, as you seek, achieve the higher frequencies, the lower D reality starts to fall away. What made you fear and stress and worry is no more. Don’t seek a time and place for change, see it all around you, continue to move in to the flow of energy. The connection to all that is, the thoughts, memories, connecting to songs, to follow the thread. You are NOT all on the same page. You will never ALL be on the same page. You each come for a different lesson, a different perspective. For those of like mind, harmonize together, grow and expand the energy. Balance of mind and body, movement, meditation, connection, blending energy. No battle, no war, why do you want to keep the old paradigm alive? You want to be a hero? That is EGO.
Q drops, crumbs, depends on YOUR point of view. Where your belief lies. Quantum future, past, present is already right now in your personal reality. Technology that exists – but kept away from you. You were not deemed worthy- give the child a new toy- a shiny penny but keep it wanting more- string it along. Bi location, teleportation all available now- just not for the “ general public”. You are learning in your dream time and soon it will be your reality. so much to learn and absorb. Don’t try too hard to figure it out, remember the truth finds you when you allow the energy to flow. You don’t know how you know, but you just know. You can see and understand but not sure how you got there. The information is within, you just need to know how to unlock it.
Remember J’s dream: You saw the portals in the sky and started to lift off the ground but Y was walking on the same road and saw nothing..depends on your belief and frequency.
First there is Community:
Star School: Earth Star and other places to bridge the worlds- Star and Earth- so we can introduce ourselves and help mentor you. bring in new teachings, new technology, new modalities, healing etc.
Introduce us:
To the people, those who are ready- protocol, telepathy, connection to all that is. expanding consciousness, existence of so many others- healing, health, plant, connecting consciousness. raise frequency and vibration- meet 1/2 way.
communication with higher dimensional beings. Inner Earth
Easier in nature, far away from distractions. easier to connect, nature, elements. Power points on Earth- activation, rebirth- renewal turn on the “real grid” the light grid. Earth Chakras, ley lines, energy centers, pulse points. acupuncture points- activate, reconnect. The Masters and their retreats- raise the vibration, expand energy, place to come, learn, share, experience
Travel- multi dimensional, starships and planes- teleportation
Healing Chamber:
Great Central Sun
Ocean of Time
Crystal Dome
Protection- EMF and lower density energies
Healing: All levels, Healing Chamber frequency
Higher D energy: expansion and connection
Classes: new ones?
ebooks, rabbit holes, messages, blog
way to monetize to repair and build out what is already there…..