So what do we talk about today?
You all are so impatient- want it now- Magic Pill- instant manifestation but you are not ready for that- even telepathy and working things with your mind- You lack the discipline- you would crash a ship if you were given command lol- not ready to fly
The Healing. Yes you are in the Quantum Realm with Healing Arts- sometimes beyond Quantum but you must allow those who need healing to rise up to a place where they can accept that . They know it is different when they see you, feel the energy but they cannot comprehend it so need to step it back a bit. Cite the books, the information so they can understand it themselves.
How did you learn in the beginning? Classes, the basics Remember Grace was way ahead of her time- Had to step it back a bit and allow others to catch up.
Walk In 101:How to maintain a new frequency
Always some crash and burn in there- conflict with roles- Strong Man, Strong Woman- there will be some conflict- no one in charge- have to understand the roles are changing and its hard to put down the role you have played for so long. Walk in balance, energy balance- give and receive
Yes even the Calendar is in conflict- when does it start? Moon of the Buffalo- first moon in December or Spring? Spring New Year? Not for you to worry about- let someone else go there.
Keep your mind busy with the tasks at hand- not in fear or doubt but in the steps that need to be taken-
Reconnect/ Recallibrate:
The next few months will be filled with ups and downs- rebuilding a broken system- there are those on the Earth Plane now who have come to assist- they are waking up to the realization that they need to step up and step in.
Still conflict- the power game. Realize now there is no off planet power to back them up- the world is waking up from a very bad dream- so many levels have been infiltrated.
You watched the Borg- Assimilation – the ultimate goal- power and control – once they had the frequency fence- the blocks, the scramblers to stop you from waking up
Slowly those systems have been deactivated and are being replaced by a system that is not control- but even you are not ready to take the reins- rebuilding your life has its ups and downs and challenges you are still having a hard time adjusting to a change in your life- not so much busyness all the time- more down time- more connection with others of like mind and that is hard for you.
Know this is not the first time this has been done. The Galactic Federation has been part of this for a very long time. All worlds evolve at their own time. They are like a chess board, you can’t just jump over all the rest to get to the end. You need to go slowly, thoughtfully, place one foot in front of the other.
China- The Power structure is being dismantled- the slave system- enslavement of any life form goes against Universal Law. China was given too much power. Greed, the cheapest price was the incentive. Make more money on the backs of slaves, a system that did not empower the workers. Yes there is the technology- the replicators- the understanding that everything is energy- manipulation of energy. That too needs finesse.
You caught a glimpse of that yesterday and times before- to release the pain, the discomfort, shift it into a higher frequency but you could only hold it for a short time. It takes focus, discipline, not for everyone.
Systems in Place: Replace the outdated control systems and replace with a system of Government- community, collaboration work but it does not need to be so hard. cooperative and collaborative shift the energy, new paradigm. Really who you are and not who you aren’t.
You doubt a lot – when you hear that something has happened you doubt- so used to the “truth” being told in the news and yes understanding the MSM is a control system but slow to trust the new news- the news channels in place now. Trust not easily given after lifetimes of deception.
Are the ones stepping up now in truth? Trust? Time will tell and discernment is key. Share the journey- the miracles and the disappointments that is trust. Trust your feelings, your guidance trust where the information is coming from. Light, Stars, Higher Realms, or still part of the control systems? Yes big changes afoot but still not time to put them all into place, baby steps.
A lifetime of deception cannot be swept under the rug and just hidden. It needs to be uncovered in a way that others can see, believe, and understand. That is not an easy task, not all will believe. They know something is wrong, they know the plan is not working but the alternatives are still not in place. There is still a need to control, be in charge, cooperation and collaboration are needed here.
Don’t rush to the new things- new technology- it will come to you. You will be part of the remaking, the rebuilding of Earth society but in a way that is mutually beneficial for all. For the benefit of all, not just a few. Spock, yes there were even nuggets then. Primitive warring society we stayed away until there is a glimmer and then we can assist. This Planet was taken over- against all laws ( Universal and Spiritual) Disrespect of the inhabitants- NOT Prime Directive, control and enslavement. Technology used against the people instead of for the people.
Now you must learn how to do it right. The societies that were here to show an example left or went underground. They knew the dark times were coming, they did not choose to participate.
If Telos and Agartha were taken over- the too need to be rebuilt and recalibrated- crystals, elements need to be recalibrated to once again hold the light- yes in time you will help to turn the lights back on as you say- Grids, Cities of Light, Diving Timing.
2001-2021- Twenty Years
2022- Cooperation and Collaboration
Spring- a time of renewal
Plant the new seeds- the seeds of a new future- Gardens, Healing and Renewal
Need to release the past, heal the wounds and put on the cloak of Peace- of New Beginnings change for the better, Peace.
How do these things work?
How do you walk in balance?
Role Reversal- Mutually Beneficial
We need to practice and we ALL have a lot of work to do
What do we have to do now?
Places for Collaboration:People are shifting, moving- Relationships ending and new beginning- need space to adjust
Create a space once again for those who are traveling through- stop over- Dig in for a few days or a while
Not a time to be in fear- a time to re-calibrate recreation ,re-creation play, create art ,joy ,laughter healing, support the journey
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