Good Morning Children Of Earth
It is time to learn about Love. Real Love, not the contrived love you see on television and in the movies. Love is give and receive. Balance, move forward and pull back. Be there when needed and give space when its time. Love is NOT the love in movies, that is control, contrived and programmed to fail.
Start with love, like the animal kingdom, unconditional love. Dog, God in action- start there- learn to love without condition- it’s not easy. step two- learn to connect to your heart- out of your head and into your heart. Love in its purest form. Take that connection to nature, to the trees, the Earth,connect on a level of purity, no expectation, just pure love and appreciation for life and all it brings.
Gifts from the Universe, the Earth Mother- all that is around you. Watch the Sunrise, Watch the world awaken Watch the clouds. The bird nations- the ones who fly- watch their movement. The squirrels- animals around you time to connect and observe. go through your day in observation mode- simple observation. watch the afternoon become evening- light fades, the bird nations land on the pond, safety on the water.
The sun fades behind the mountains the night, the stars the lunar cycles. Become more aware of your surroundings, connect in. Go back into whatever form of meditation, energy connection, grounding, centering you can.
Be back in your body- that is why you are here. It is now time to put all you know and all you have learned into action. experiences to share/teach wisdom keepers to share- connect with others.
The tool box- what do you have in your tool box? What can you share?
Energy, grounding, connection- simple songs, prayers,symbols- connecting to the messages,make every day a Ceremony.
What brings you joy? Peace? Dance in and out of the dimensions
Create a life you would be happy to live- in alignment with your true self.
The process of awakening from the dream state, lulled into it from an early age.
You were the test subjects,subtle ways to keep you in line.
But you are not here to conform.
You are the way showers- the pattern breakers.
The problem solvers- all put in place to hold the light.
Infiltration on all levels.You see the infiltration of the Dark Hats
Now FEEL the infiltration of the Light
Time to turn the lights on.
No more assumptions- its the NOW
The Assurance of success
The cage door is open- time to fly free
Take apart the old system like a broken down car- take the parts- the foundation and rebuild the engine in a way that is more harmonious with the higher dimensional energies.Repair from the ground up- The rabbit hole runs deep- twists and turns and doors to open and doors to keep closed. Trial and error- if done in the frequency of LOVE you will be ok
Time to go back to the old teachings and bring them forward
Discernment- filter through your own heart knowing, teach others to FEEL
Bring in the future lights? the true teachers who walk in the frequency of love every moment of every day. Service For Humanity- they never stopped loving
How does it feel?
Unlock the symbols, turn them right side up – counter clockwise to undo the spell- right side up indeed
set the world back on its feet
Spiritual Integrity Spiritual Practice for every day life- spiritual hygiene
reconnecting to nature
Awakening the light in all of it- 7:22 AM
Reconnect- Recalibrate- make it fun
make it joyful- practice Peace on a daily basis
music-movement- joyful existence
grow your food
connect your hearts
find your new empowerment- not control
contribution to the whole- share support- encourage
smile, sing, dance pray
You can make it easy or difficult- focus your mind on the outcome you desire
Fall/Winter- cold time,preparation
Creativity and pre-planning
make your home a space for Peace
Community events- Gatherings-small and intimate
Don’t forget the journey is also the experience
put what you learn into action
in your own words- deeds-movement
tweak it- learn how to use it
make it your own
Ground, Connect, Communicate